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Book Covers


Here you will find covers for all books in SongMISS. Scroll down the page to identify a particular book.


Tap on a book cover to reveal details including an image of the book. Included are bibliography details, options on where to purchase the book and access to the WorldCat library. Using WorldCat library you might get lucky to locate a copy of the book in a library near you. Use the forward icon to share these details with a colleague via email, SMS, WhatsApp, etc.

Book Covers.png

Tap on the clipboard to reveal an index of all songs in the book. Page numbers are also included. Use the dropdown index to narrow your search. 


If you own a copy of this book, scroll down to 'I have a copy' and using the down arrow tap on 'yes'. This book will now appear in 'My Books'.

Have Copy.png

Tap on the home button to return to the home screen of SongMISS.

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