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Rhythmic Purpose

Use the drop down menu to indicate the Rhythm Purpose of the piece. Tap on the your chosen selection then tap on  'Done'.


  • Prepare - the song is selected to prepare a new rhythm to teach.


  • Present - the song is selected to make conscious/name the new rhythm.


  • Practise - the song is for revision/use of the now known rhythm.

Use the second drop down to indicate the rhythm for the Rhythmic Purpose indicated. The same process applies, tap on rhythm then 'Done'.

The four Rhythmic Motifs are to indicate examples of the Rhythmic Purposes in the piece of music. You do not have to use all four. 

Tap on the down arrow to reveal the drop down menu for each rhythm, up to four. Tap on 'Done' once you've made your selection.

The PDF will show each Rhythmic Motif separated with a comma.

User Suggestion - To speed up entering the Rhythmic Motifs, enter rhythms that have commonalities one after another. This saves you having to move the rhythm scroller as many times. 
Eg. if your motifs use ♩ , tap on the first Rhythmic Motif box with this rhythm in it. Then tap on each consecutive rhythm box that uses ♩ and tap on 'Done' in the top right hand corner.  This is a faster way to populate the Rhythmic Motifs.
This short video demonstrates the entry method.
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