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Time Signature/Meter 1


The left hand number is the numerator (top). The numbers included are 1-12. Tap on the down arrow and scroll to the numerator used in the song. If there is more than one time Signature, this should be the first one that appears in the song.

If there is no Time Signature/Meter then leave this section blank.

The right hand number is the denominator (bottom), using 2, 4, 8 and 16. Tap on the down arrow and scroll to the denominator used in the song.

For cut common time (₵) enter 2 for the numerator and 2 for the denominator.


For common time (C) enter 4 for the numerator and 4 for the denominator.

Check the ‘Add another meter’ box for pieces with more than one time signature. You can have up to three meters.

On the PDF the meter will appear as a fraction. If there are two meters there will be a plus sign between them.

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